The Fountain of Living Water vs. The Fountain of Foolishness…
Divine Judgment…
Those words should cause us to pause at least and perhaps to tremble.
The thought of God’s Judgment brings pictures of fire, smoke, and destruction. However, many times God’s Judgment is a more indirect, in that He allows
a Nation to GO its own way, to wander in the wilderness
of its own stubbornness.
If a nation continues to reject God in order to go their own way, to accomplish their own agenda, God will reject that nation and remove His hand of blessing and protection. I believe such is the case with America right now;
we are under God’s divine judgment.
Genuine repentance is our only HOPE!
We need to pray for our country, we need to pray for our leaders, and we need to pray for our God to do what He has to do in order to bring our nation back under His blessing and protection. We must do this, even if it means going against everyone else around us. Will you, professing Christian,
stand against the masses in this perverse and rebellious nation,
seeking Him on behalf of our nation?